| 1. | Comparing the two photographs later, i could calculate the shoulder height of the rhino . 后来对这两张照片进行比较,我就能够算出这头犀牛的肩高。 |
| 2. | Raise your left hand to the side to shoulder height and make a left hooked hand 左脚向左斜上方蹬出,同时两手向外分开撑掌。 |
| 3. | A lift in which the weight is heaved overhead from shoulder height with a quick motion 挺举一种将重物以很快的速度从肩上举过头顶的体育运动 |
| 4. | 1 . turn to the right to 1 oclock and shift your weight onto your right hand , palm down , to shoulder height . 2 金子?于1929于武当山随李合林学此拳,一直秘练不传,于1980年才公开表演,震惊四座。 |
| 5. | 3 . complete the left bow step and push your palms forward and up to shoulder height , palms facing out . look between your hands to 9 oclock 太极拳结合了传统导引、吐纳的方法,著重练身、练气、练意三者之间的紧密调协。 |
| 6. | Move your left hand palm titled up , to shoulder height , while your right hand , as your body turns curves up and down to the left , stopping in front of your left side , palm titled down 一方面,孙剑云先父闻有艺者必访至,与各地高手广泛交流切磋、相互印证,而孙剑云先父未尝负之。 |
| 7. | Turn to the right . move your right hand up and to the side , to shoulder height , palm facing up , while your left hand is palm down . look at your left hand 整套拳式的基本移动方式,要求重心始终在两足上交替变换,利用重心的连续变换协调、浑融周身的阴阳、虚实,求中和而达至空、至灵。 |
| 8. | Any of a breed of dogs originally developed in europe as hunting dogs , having thick , curly hair of varying color , and classified by shoulder height into standard , miniature , and toy varieties 髦毛狗,贵宾狗最初在欧洲用作猎狗的一种狗,毛发厚而卷曲,颜色各异,依据其肩高分成标准型、迷你型和玩具型 |
| 9. | 3 . turn your body to the right , shifting your weight onto your right foot . draw your left foot on its toes next to your right foot . make an arc up and round to the right with your right hand until your arm is at shoulder height 起势:重心落于右腿,左脚脚跟轻轻提起,左脚向左平行开步,脚尖先地,重心移向两脚之间,左脚落实,两脚宽度同肩宽或略宽于肩。 |
| 10. | Bring your hands up until they cross in front of your chest , with your left hand over your right hand , palms in . 5 . open your arms to the side at shoulder height , with your elbows bent and your palms turning out 挤:两手分开,掌心向下与肩同宽,重心后移,左脚脚尖翘起,同时两手向下落至腹前,重心前移成左弓步,两手向前向上弧形推出到胸的高度之后,向前平推与肩同宽,目视前方。 |